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Trade Secret Theft Investigations

Cyber Centaurs specializes in investigating the theft of trade secrets and proprietary company files by both insider threats, such as disgruntled employees and external threat actors. If you suspect theft of trade secrets, act swiftly: secure your data, conduct an internal investigation, involve legal counsel, notify law enforcement, and hire a professional digital forensics team like Cyber Centaurs. Our experts are equipped to uncover the truth, gather critical evidence, and help you protect your business’s valuable information.


Introducing “Navigating Trade Secret Theft – A Whitepaper”

In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, safeguarding your most valuable assets is imperative. Our latest whitepaper, “Navigating Trade Secret Theft,” serves as an indispensable resource for both corporations and legal professionals confronting the challenging terrain of trade secret protection and litigation. With trade secret theft on the rise, understanding the nuances of prevention, detection, and legal recourse is more critical than ever. This comprehensive guide provides invaluable insights, strategies, and best practices to fortify your corporate defenses and pursue justice in cases of theft. Whether you’re a corporate leader seeking to shield your intellectual property or a legal expert tasked with safeguarding a client’s interests, this whitepaper is your compass through the intricate world of trade secret protection. Download it now to stay ahead of threats, fortify your competitive edge, and empower your legal arsenal. Don’t wait; the future of trade secret security begins here.

    Trade Secret Theft and Corporate Espionage

    At Cyber Centaurs, we excel in investigating cases of stealing trade secrets, particularly those involving departing employees and sensitive information. Our expertise covers a broad spectrum of scenarios, including industrial espionage and the misappropriation of corporate secrets. When sensitive data is at risk, swift and thorough investigation is critical. We utilize advanced digital forensics to uncover the truth, secure your proprietary information, and mitigate the impact on your business. Trust Cyber Centaurs to protect your assets and maintain your competitive edge.

    The theft of trade secrets has increased year over year. With an ever more competitive free market, the stakes are high. Many companies in the US and abroad are looking for an edge. A competitor often targets key employees to obtain client lists or marketing strategies. Or disgruntled employees may also volunteer this information. With USB flash drives, free cloud storage, and plenty of work-from-home opportunities, the theft of trade secrets has become even more tempting.

    Everything you need to know about what to expect from a trade secret investigation


    Digital Investigation Services

    Trusted Expertise in Digital Investigations

    Cellebrite Certified

    Our Mobile Forensics Examiners are Cellebrite certified and utilize the latest versions for mobile phone collections, extractions and examinations.

    Of course, at Cyber Centaurs, we do not only rely on Cellebrite, but have a plethora of tools and solutions that we can cater, specifically based on your phone and type of case.

    Tested Expert Witnesses

    Cyber Centaurs has court-tested and qualified expert witnesses. Our expert witnesses have testified in both state and federal cases and have withstood Daubert challenges.

    We can provide a precise testimony and explain complex mobile phone technology to the Judge and Jury in simple and understandable ways using analogies and diagrams.


    Cyber Centaurs is a niche-focused cyber security firm with a specialization in digital forensics and data breach investigations.

    Our deep dive collection and analysis methods allow us to conduct mobile forensics services on over 10,000 different mobile devices, sim cards and cloud storage platforms.

    Contact Us Today For Assistance

      What to do if you Suspect Theft of Trade Secrets?

      If you suspect the theft of trade secrets, act swiftly to protect your proprietary information. Immediately secure all relevant data and restrict access to sensitive areas. Conduct an internal investigation and involve legal counsel to ensure proper handling and documentation of the incident. Notify law enforcement and consider hiring a professional digital forensics team to gather evidence and identify the perpetrators. Prompt action can help mitigate damage and strengthen your case for legal recourse.

      Company Confidential Files, Trade Secrets at risk?

      At Cyber Centaurs, we specialize in investigating Trade Secret Theft. We have developed a custom toolset to quickly identify the technical artifacts that may show proof of relevant files being copied. In addition to the profound technical understanding, our experience in investigating these types of cases has also allowed us to understand the culprit’s mindset and think outside of the box during Trade Secret Investigations. We can assist you and your firm as either a consultant on the case or as an expert witness..

      Comprehensive Digital Forensics Services

      We Know What to Look For

      From many years of experience investigating trade secret theft and corporate espionage, we know what signs to look for.

      Work with Law Enforcement

      We work closely with the FBI and other federal and state law enforcement agencies

      Multiple Service Levels

      Select from multiple service levels based on your needs. This can include the urgency of the cases, as well as the required level of detail for the case.

      Our Partners

      The Economic Espionage Act

      The EEA is divided into two main sections

      Economic Espionage (18 U.S.C. § 1831): This section specifically targets theft or misappropriation of trade secrets intended to benefit foreign governments, foreign instrumentalities, or foreign agents. Violations under this section are considered acts of espionage and are subject to severe penalties, including significant fines and imprisonment.

      Theft of Trade Secrets (18 U.S.C. § 1832): This section addresses the theft or misappropriation of trade secrets for commercial or economic advantage. It applies to individuals or entities regardless of whether a foreign entity is involved. Penalties include fines and imprisonment, reflecting the serious nature of these offenses.

      In the context of digital forensics and corporate espionage investigations, the EEA plays a crucial role in guiding the investigation and prosecution of trade secret theft cases. Here’s how the EEA impacts and informs these investigations:

      How the EEA Applies to Digital Forensics Investigations

      Evidence Identification & Preservation

      Digital forensics investigators are tasked with identifying, collecting, and preserving electronic evidence that demonstrates the theft or misappropriation of trade secrets. This may include emails, documents, communication logs, and metadata that show unauthorized access or transfer of proprietary information.

      Tracing Unauthorized Access

      Investigators use advanced forensic tools to trace unauthorized access to sensitive information. This includes analyzing access logs, detecting anomalies in user behavior, and identifying potential breaches or insider threats. The goal is to establish a clear link between the suspect’s actions and the stolen trade secrets.

      Legal Compliance and Documentation

      Adhering to the EEA’s requirements, investigators meticulously document their findings and maintain the chain of custody for all evidence. This ensures that the evidence is admissible in court and can support the prosecution’s case.

      Contact Us Today For Assistance

        Frequently asked questions

        What is Trade Secret Theft?

        Trade secret theft involves the unauthorized acquisition or disclosure of proprietary information, processes, or intellectual property that provides a competitive advantage to a business. Trade secrets can include formulas, manufacturing processes, customer lists, or any confidential information that gives a company a distinct edge in the marketplace.

        How are Trade Secret Theft Investigations Conducted?

        Trade secret theft investigations involve a comprehensive examination of digital and physical evidence. Digital forensics experts may analyze electronic communications, employee activities, and network traffic to identify unauthorized access or data exfiltration. Physical security measures and personnel interviews may also be part of the investigation to uncover any breaches or insider threats.

        What Role Does Digital Forensics Play in Trade Secret Theft Investigations?

        Digital forensics plays a crucial role in trade secret theft investigations by analyzing electronic devices, networks, and data storage systems. Experts use forensic techniques to trace the movement of sensitive data, identify potential perpetrators, and reconstruct timelines of events. Digital evidence can be pivotal in establishing the who, what, when, and how of a trade secret theft incident.

        How Can Trade Secret Theft Investigations Support Legal Action?

        Trade secret theft investigations provide the foundation for legal action against individuals or entities responsible for the theft. The evidence gathered during the investigation can be used to support litigation, including filing civil lawsuits or pursuing criminal charges. Digital forensics experts may serve as expert witnesses, presenting their findings in court to help establish the damages incurred and the liability of the accused parties.